"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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05 Feb

Soundays - 2014

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Sakis Zachariades

SOUNDAYS is the second cd project of guitarist Sakis Zachariades. Jazz fusion and rock influences can be heard in the overall sound of the album but still every tune is composed with originality and played by excellent musicians. Melodic and rhythmic structures are combined with electric sound and romantic mood together..

Sakis Zachariades --electric / acoustic guitar
Stelios Tsompanidis --drums
Dimitris Christonis —bass
Philippos Kostavelis--keyboards

"… the music of Sakis Zachariades, as the aesthetic quality reaches solitude or the loneliness of caliber, expresses the beauty and fosters the sensations to identify higher values of human life … " Nikos Tsinikas Professor of Architectural Design & Architectural Technology Architect A.U.T.

"A high-energy, fusion album that featured a technically virtuosic and complex style of music that fused electric jazz and rock"
"Sonic signature, neutral, objective clarity leaves you alone with the music…"
George Papanikolaou Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Dept. of Musical Science

Released on February 5, 2014

Last modified on Tuesday, 07 October 2014 16:21

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