It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Barcelonauta - 2014

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Giorgis Christodoulou

With his latest work, Barcelonauta, Giorgis pays homage to his favorite city by gathering original songs from the 1920s up to the 1950s that were either inspired by and are about the city or that were popular in Barcelona during that time.

In Giorgis’ own words: "Barcelonauta was born out of the need to unite the ambience of the past with the ambience of the present in a city that continues to be equally open to modernity and new trends as it was in earlier times. Barcelonauta (the sailor of the ship Barcelona) sails the city collecting themes by the great saxophone player Don Byas, the French Charles Trenet and the Catalan composer Sabater Vicenç, wandering through the “cuplés del Paralelo” (characteristic songs of the cabarets of Barcelona), meeting the legendary figure of Monyos, assisting in the Mediterranean Song Festival of the 1950s and getting lost in the French melodies inspired by the streets of this “city of the Counts”.

Barcelonauta sings and dances to the sounds of the past with the help of Catalan jazz musicians of the present. This album is dedicated to all those who helped bring it to life and, above all, to those who have fallen in love with this city and have expressed their love by inhabiting it and returning to it again and again."

This album contains songs written by Catalan, French and American musicians who, like Giorgis, became fascinated with Barcelona and the music that was written for the city. Being a recent “Barcelonauta” himself, Giorgis explores the city’s music history and works with some of the best musicians of Barcelona’s jazz scene. Giorgis also collaborates with the voices of the singing harmony group Las Divinas and the sweet voice of Valentine, a French six-year-old girl who also lives in the city.

Barcelonauta is Giorgis’ attempt at reviving the spirit of the cosmopolitan Barcelona, a city that has always been enthusiastic at welcoming musicians from around the world.

Available on iTunes, other online shops and selected record shops.

Last modified on Wednesday, 09 April 2014 12:39

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