I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Mergin' – 2009

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Alekos Vretos

It took Alekos almost 3 years to complete his new CD " Mergin’ ". The music is a clever mix of Arabic, Jazz, Latin and Greek elements, a World-Jazz genre if you please. Traditional instruments like the oud, the violin and the Nay vs the piano the drums and the saxophone bring out all of the flavors that are mentioned above plus the great playing merges those flavors together. The reason for this delay was that Alekos was determined this time to do it on his own terms. He used friends instead of session musicians like Basam Saba, who flew all the way from New York to Athens just to play in this CD. Takis Paterelis, Serapheim Mpelos, Konstantina Kyriazi, Dimitris Sevdalis, Kiki Bu, April Centrone, Giorgos Roulos were delighted to play in the CD and had a ball. Great improvisations and music playing with the out most artistry is the basis for this work by Alekos.

Alekos Vretos: oud
Konstantina Kyriazi: violin
Bassam Saba: nay, flute
Takis Paterelis: soprano sax
Dimitris Sevdalis: piano
Giorgos Roulos: double bass
April Centrone: riqq, bendir, shakers
Luis Enrique Bu Pasqual Kikitcha: congas, bongos, shakers
Seraphim Mpelos: drums

Jadeo 1001

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 19:45

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