We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

Home / Discography / Light in the Dark - 2008
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22 Nov

Light in the Dark - 2008

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Chris Stassinopoulos & Friends
Chris Stassinopoulos: drums, keyboards, vocals
David Cross: violin
Alex Foster: saxophone
Barry Finnerty: el. guitar
Joe Berger: el. guitar
Stelios Frederikos: guitar
George Gavalas: bass
Hugh Hopper: bass
Alekos Karakandas: keyboards
Kostas Karamitros: drums
Maria Kotsiri: vibraphone
Track 6 recorded live in January 2008 at the Rodeo Club, Athens, Greece
Track 7 & 8 recorded live in April 2008 at the Small Music Theatre, Athens, Greece

All compositions and productions by Chris Stassinopoulos
All recordings and mastering by Kostas Perrakis, Digital Master Athens
Sound Engineers: George Stefanakis (tracks: 6 to 8), Kostas Perrakis (tracks: 6 to 8), Nikos Piperis (tracks: 6 to 8)
All photos of Chris Stassinopoulos by Alexander Tserepas
Cover photo collage by Fernando Natalici

Christass Records