It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Discography / Asate - 2003
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19 Nov

Asate - 2003

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Asate – Andreas Georgiou

Andreas Georgiou: 16string acoustic guitar, 15string acoustic guitar, classical guitar, vocals
Airto Moreira: drums, percussion, vocals
Eberhard Weber: 5string electric double bass
Savina Giannatou: vocals
Harris Lambrakis: caval

All Tracks Composed and Orchestrated by Andreas Georgiou

Produced by LIBRA MUSIC Lrd.

Executive Producer: Alkis Vafias
Production Co-ordination: Magda Papadaki
Recorded ar Aeolia Studio, Athens, September 2002 - April 2003
Sound Engineer: Themis & Michalis Nikoloudis
Mixing: Andreas Georgiou & Themis Nikoloudis
Mastered by Michalis Nikoloudis, Aeolia Studio, Athens

Drawing: Magda Papadaki
Artwork and Cover Design: Eleftheria Vountidou

Libra Music/LM028-2

Last modified on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 18:25