We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

Home / Discography / Ionian Jazz Ensemble - 2003
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11 Nov

Ionian Jazz Ensemble - 2003

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Dimos Dimitriadis, George Kontrafouris & τhe ''Jazz Ensemble ''of the Ionian university

Alkis Karizonis, sax
Dimos Dimitriadis, sax
Giannis Ikonomidis, trumpet, flugerhorn
George Kontrafouris, piano, keyboard
Lefteris Kordis, piano
Manos Tavlakis, guitar
Hris Pegiazis, bass
Kostas Kouvidis, drums
Alexandros Ktistakis, drums
Loukia Paleologou, vocals

Jazz&Τζαζ 0027-2

Last modified on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 19:42