Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Articles/Interviews / Jazz Education / Interested in studying at Berklee College of Music in Boston?
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20 Sep

Interested in studying at Berklee College of Music in Boston?

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Once a year you have the opportunity to win a scholarship. The Berklee professors travel to Greece and conduct auditions at Philippos Nakas Conservatory. Get closer to your dream to study at Berklee.

For 19th consecutive year the Philippos Nakas Conservatory organizes the Berklee scholarship auditions for Greece.
Please note this year's dates for the auditions: Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November, 2012. Do not miss the opportunity to get involved! Requirements for Scholarship Auditions Berklee requires all applicants for admission to audition and interview as part of their application to the college. Therefore, Berklee gives preference for audition spaces to those students who have applied for admission. Students wishing to participate in an audition at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory or any other BIN School could get more information at:

Last modified on Thursday, 20 September 2012 19:25

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