We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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13 May

Music Open Day

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Music Open Day on May 13, 2012 at Philippos Nakas Conservatory of music from 11 am - Ιppokratous 41, Athens - 210 3634000 -

The Music Open Day is a music fest, prepared with special care by the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and its teachers, is a unique opportunity for entertainment, information, education, open and free for all, including many different activities:

- Pilot lessons

- Seminars

- Briefing on all musical instruments

- Meetings with music teachers

- Concerts

Aimed at everyone who is interested in music and music education, whatever their age: Children, adolescents, and adults.

You don’t need to declare your participation in case you wish to attend events such as concerts or workshops, on condition that you get informationon the various events and their timetable.

You don’t need to declare your participation if you wish to attend the free trial lessons for babies and toddlers (10-month to 6-years old), or if you wish to attend free trial lessons for specific instruments. In this case you should register with the Secretariat of the respective branch of the Conservatory.

You can win Scholarships, musical instruments or free registration.

ATHENS 41 Hippocratous str., tel. 210 3634000

THESSALONIKI 47, N. Plastira str., Harilaou, tel. 2310 320560

PATRA 5 Îœezonos str., tel. 2610 225552

IOANNINA 29 Michail Angelou & Har. Trikoupi str., tel. 26510 25141

Don't miss it!


Last modified on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 16:33

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