“Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise”. George Gershwin
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Polyhronakos George

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George Polyhronakos - Drummer

A music graduate of the Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne University), with honors,and winner of the “Gwen Nisbet Award for Outstanding Musical Talent”. During his studies at the V.C.A he was taught drums and rhythm by Virgil Donati, Alex Pertout, Ted Vining, Peter Blick and Andrew Gander.
While living in Australia (1984-1992) he performed and recorded with many prominent Australian jazz musicians, such as: Graeme Lyall, Tony Gould, Lisa Young, Ben Robertson, Linda Cable, Christine Sullivan, Peter Jones, John Sangster, Joe Chindamo, Mark Fitzgibbon, Doug de Vries, Keith Hounslow amongst others, as well as visiting artists such as: John Hoffman (USA/Buddy Rich Big Band), Peter Leitch (Canada) and Rudolf Josel (Austria/ Vienna Philharmonic).

Soon after settling in Greece (1993), he became a vibrant member of the country's, ever growing, jazz scene. He has performed and recorded with many distinguished Greek jazz musicians such as : Dimitris Vassilakis, Takis Barberis, George Kontrafouris, Dimtris Tsakas, Antonis Ladopoulos, Takis Paterelis, Dimos Dimitriadis, Dimitris Kalatzis, Sami Amiris, Vasilis Rakopoulos, Andreas Polyzogopoulos, Lucia Palaiologou, Vicky Almazidu, Evi Siamanta, Sofia Noiti, Andonis Anisegos, Yiotis Kiourtzoglou, Andonis Andreou, Yiotis Samaras, Manos Saridakis, Yiorgos Georgiadis, Yiannis Loukatos, Periklis Trivolis, Vasilis Stefanopoulos, Stratos Vougas, Christos Rafalides, Priamos Morakis and the great Greek composer Mimis Plessas, amongst many others. He has also supported a number of visiting artists such as: Essiet Okon Essiet and Jack Walrath (U.S.A.), Andy Sheppard and Juliet Kelly (U.K.), Benito Gonzalez (Venezuela), Ilhan Ersahin (Sweden), Theodosii Spassov (Bulgaria), Tamuz Nissim (Israel), Sylvia de Hartog (Holland), Francesca Tandoi (Italy), and Jari Perkiomaki (Finland).

Other than performing with a variety of jazz oriented ensembles he is a dedicated music educator of the drumset, rhythm ensembles and music pedagogy. His first personal cd was released in 2000 under the title "Blink" and comprises eleven of his original compositions.
In February of the year 2012 he completed with honors his Master's Degree in Music (MMus) at the Ionian University (Corfu/Greece).

Selected Discography

"Blink" - George Polyhronakos - (2000/Legend)
"Naiva" - Takis Barberis - (1998/Lyra)
"Transformation" - Lisa Young Quartet - (1991/New Market)
"Little Flowers" - Antonis Ladopoulos - (2007/Muse)
"Live in Concert" - Tony Gould Quartet - (1998/Move Records)
"Jazz for Bentley" - Dimitris Vassilakis - (2011/Candid)
"The Music Stays in a Dream" – Tamuz Nissim - (2013)

Website : http://polyhronakos.wix.com/george-polyhronakos

Last modified on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 08:36

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