It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Musicians / Displaying items by tag: George Trantalidis
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Greek Jazz Musicians
Thursday, 03 October 2013 15:22

George Trantalidis Interview

George Trantalidis is the living history of the Greek jazz : one of the major figures of the Greek jazz scene. He started his career playing with the rock group Socrates. In 1978, he records the first Greek Jazz music record with the “Sphinx”. He was the first to merge Greek traditional music with Jazz in his records. Jazzonline has met him to discuss about his impressions of music, and jazz.

Published in Interviews
Saturday, 16 April 2011 11:30

"Global Vision" - 2011

George Trantalidis

Published in Discography
Tuesday, 03 November 1981 23:00

Clarification – 1981

George Vukan/Balazs Berkes/George Trantalidis
Published in Discography
Wednesday, 03 November 1982 23:00

One Two Three Four – 1982

Tony Lakatos Quartet feat. Giorgos Trandalidis -
Published in Discography
Sunday, 02 November 1980 23:00

Sphinx - 7 Diastasis -1980

Sphinx – 7 Diastasis (ACBA)
Published in Discography
Wednesday, 31 October 1979 23:00

Sphinx - 1979

Sphinx - Sphinx (ACBA) 1979 - Released in 1979, Sphinx is the album that defined Greek Jazz.
Published in Discography
Thursday, 07 November 1985 23:00

XORES - 1985

XORES – 1985 - George Trantalidis -
Published in Discography
Sunday, 07 September 1986 23:00

XORES – Μεsogeios - 1986

George Trantalidis XORES – Μεsogeios (Afoi Falirea) 1986 -
Published in Discography
Monday, 07 November 1988 23:00

Erisma - 1988

George Trantalidis - Erisma

Published in Discography
Saturday, 07 November 1992 23:00

A.M. P.M. - 1992


Published in Discography
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