His song “Viaja como un Greko” mentions the cities he lived and worked so far – Athens, London, Boston, Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and Paris. His lyrics are blended with humor, his voice color has the Italian flavor of Paolo Conte. His music is original, different, happy going, theatrical, and diversed …all of it rounded from his richness in cultures exposed and languages he is using in his songs which are the Greek, the English, the French and the Spanish. His compositional work has been lighted from awards he received from prestigious compositional competitions as is the ” John Lennon songwriting competition ” in New York and the ” USA song writing competition” . A multicultural musician who is loaded with his own musical planet ….planetas vacios y solitarios, como el mundo de hoy…empty and lonely planets, as is our world today!
Gagabunga” is the name of his group. Created in 1994 in Paris… a name that evokes the road to “Ithaca”. A road that is long, slow, beautiful and full of experiences, surprises, disappointments, difficult and happy moments… “Gagabunga” stops and experiences different ports and cultures.
Five musicians from around supported the trip of “Gagabunga” all these years. Three Brazilians, one French and a Greek with the addition form time to time of two Americans, one Argentinian with his Bandoneon, two Catalans from Barcelona, a Colombian who added the color of Tiple and, another Greek who added the Bouzouki color. In addition an artist from Madrid ( Rocio Asensi Vallejo ) experimented with the group in adding her artistic visual concepts named “Paraiso artificial ” (Artificial paradise). Now days “Gagabunga” is in “Pireus” and new sounds, colors and cultures dresses up his road to “Ithaca”.Two Argentinians from Buenos Aires,(Roman Gomez , Guitars +Bandoneon and Demian Gomez ,Percussion ) one Cuban from Havana (Manuel Orza,Bass ) and one Athenian (Antonis Ladopoulos,Sax )
Gives seminars “ Music for the cinema” at a masters degree level at “University of Balears”(UIB)and at the “Instituto Europeo de la empressa audiovisual “( IEAA-Madrid ) (1998-2001)
His song “Drigi-Drigi” from his c.d “Gagabunga”is awarded in the Latin category of the “John Lennon songwriting contest “(New York 1999) as well as “The USA songwriting competition “ ( 2001 )
His jazz work “Primera Estrella “ from his c.d. “ Tutti Jam frutti” receives the title “Honorable mention Awards” in the 2006 “ USA songwriting competition
Having as a base Barcelone and Palma de Mallorca(1998-2001) writes for the conservatory “Pro-Art-Musica” a teaching method
“ Music Educational material” composed from 192 music exercises for students age six and upwards. This material is being used for developing concepts as : rhythm,harmony,chord structure,ear training,sight reading,bass line, solfege,transposition and transcription;
Writes music for the spanish T.V.. spots ,documentaries ,theatre as well as the music for the Greek film of Film Dirctor Periklis Hoursoglou ,” The Building Manager ” ( 2009 ) .Contributs with his jazz piano composition ” Fork over knife ” to the music for the film “LUTON” 2013 of the Film director Mihalis Konstantatos.In addition he composes the music for the theme of a short moovie of Angeliki Inglessi ” Abundance – Abandonment ” (2013).
Joins in 2007, Antonis Ladopoulos and Vasilis Rakopoulos , ” Muse.gr, music institute,” which has represented the contemporary perspective of music education in Greece and has promoted musical creativity through the “Muse.gr ” independent record label, and the “Muse Festival ” one of the most prestigious yearly Jazz festivals to take place in Greece.
Conservatory Ph.Nakas (2006…) Teacher of Jazz theory ,Harmony ,Ear training.,Ensemble playing.
Introduces at Ph. Nakas Conservatory since 2011 and directs for three consecutive years the “Garlic project ” concept.
A multicultural musician who is loaded with his own musical planet ….planetas vacios y solitarios , como el mundo de hoy….empty and lonely planets, as is our world today !
“ THE GARLIC PROJECT ” Philosophy…
Student’s from Jazz harmony level 1 to 4 of Yannis Arzimanoglou at Ph.Nakas conservatory present original compositions,melodies,pictures,colors,experiences and emotions…..!
The workshop of Jazz composition or“Garlic Project “ for a third year round (2013 ) becomes the platform and point of departure of all musicians at Philippos Nakas conservatory Modern Department to have a unique opportunity to present to an open public their original Jazz compositions .
The main idea and philosophy of “Garlic Project” is that future musicians can blend together all knowledge acquired during an academic year from topics as Jazz Harmony,improvisation,ear training,composition ,ensemble ,etc.and Via their original compositions perform in “Real Time” all knowledge acquired.!!
In addition, “Garlic Project” universe creates the grounds for musicians friendships to be explored and developed ,something that will be very fruit full for them in a professional level,once graduating from Philippos Nakas conservatory.!
“Garlic Project” is a concert that gives an opportunity to all musicians to have a great time,learn something on stage, while targeting on a “vision” to travel the audience on a magic universe. It’s a “Voyage” with original melodies,images,colors,experiences and emotions that each musician dreams of expressing and live.
“Garlic Project” is a “voyage” to one of the most beautiful fields of Art……”MUSIC”
The musicians who present their work at “Garlic project” have created a small“musical family” ,worked with enthusiasm ,patience and methodology,
Experimented,exchanged ideas,organized numerous rehearsals and enjoy the results of a collective effort to achieve a given goal.
Future professional musicians understood that “Jazz composition” does not only need time to be conceived and be born but as well needs time in order to develop,evolve and thus bring to completion as a good picture of painting needs, a good wine , a relationship etc.etc..
Garlic project is becoming an institution that slowly attracts student – musicians that follow the Jazz harmony courses from other teachers too.
Thus for this year (2013 ) student’s from the class of Mr.Iannis Anninos,Drouzas Xristos,Kosta Konstandinou and more to come joint the “Garlic project”
In addition student musicians from the Classical department have been asked to participate as players in Jazz compositions where a string quartet is needed.
Finally,musicians that are not student’s at Philippos Nakas conservatory but are friends of musicians that study at the Conservatory participate as player’s in friends project’s.
Jazz composition is like a child’s game……
Children learn through playing………
Life is a game …so play with her…
Music is conquered through playing….
So, let’s experience through “Garlic Project” the beauty that
“Some things, just get better with time and through “PLAYING”
Yannis Arzimanoglou
Discography :
1. C.D “ Gagabunga” ( Paris -1995 )
2. C.D. “ Tutti Jam frutti “ ( Paris – 2001)
3. C.D. “ Mov Latina “ ( Athens – 2010 )
4. C.D. “Week end” ( Athens – 2017)