“The wise musicians are those who play what they can master” Duke Ellington
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Paterelis Takis

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Saxophonist, composer

Born in 1965 in Athens. At the age of 6 he started taking lessons in classical piano at the Athens Conservatory, first from Mrs. Helen Vardas, then Mrs. Aliki Vatikiotis. In 1984 he got his diploma with a unanimous excellent. Since 1982 he occupied himself with the study of saxophone and Jazz music.

1991-92 he went to the Berklee College of Music in Boston (USA), where he attended lessons of saxophone and Jazz Composition, under the guidance of: Andy McGhee, Herb Pomeroy, Jeff Friedman, Paul Fontaine, Billy Pierce a.o.

In Greece he has performed with most of the Jazz artists. (George Trantalidis, Minas Alexiadis, George Fakanas, Markos Alexiou, Takis Farazis, IASIS group. Kyriakos Sfetsas, George Kontrafouris etc….. )
He has also cooperated with known American and European Jazz artists, such as: John Hicks, Hamid Drake, Chip Jackson, Manny Boyd, Danny Hayes, Tony Lakatos, Bella Lakatos, Jimmy Cob etc….

Since 1993 he is teaching at the “Conservatory Phillipos Nakas”.

Discography as sideman
In George Trantalidis albums: ΧΩΡΕΣ – ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΣ – Α.Μ.-Ρ.Μ.
In George Maglaras album: THROUGH MEMORIES
In Kyriakos Sfetsas album : SILENT DAYS
In Achileas Diamantis album: CONFUSION
In Lakis Zois album: ESOTERIC
In Vassilis Tsabropoulos : SKYSCAPE
In Krotala album
In IASIS album

Personal Discograply
LET THE BLUES TALK – Legend Records
FUNKY PEOPLE – Europe Record

Last modified on Monday, 14 October 2013 16:45