Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Paleologou Loukia

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Singer, composer

Loukia was born in Athens in 1978 and she has a bachelor of music from the department of music studies from the Ionian university. Having a past of classical piano studies and music theory, she entered the world of jazz at the university when she was 19 and through the years she developed her skills in jazz singing and improvisation, participating in master classes with distinguished Greek and foreign musicians. During and after her studies, she created her own compositions and started writing lyrics to perform the music of other composers for live concerts and discography. She lives in Athens where she teaches jazz singing and improvisation, advancing the treatment of the voice as a music instrument. She primarily works as a singer in various groups and secondary as a pianist and actor in a theatrical performance.
Last modified on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 17:29