It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

Home / Musicians / Gouberitsis Dimitris
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Gouberitsis Dimitris

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Bass player

Born in Thessaloniki. He studied bass at the Greek Conservatory of Athens with Andreas Rodousakis and at the National Conservatory of Northern Greece with Dimitrios Xenarios. He attended many seminars on acoustic and electric bass and improvisation.

He is a founding member of the jazz rock group A Priori. He participated in many jazz formats (Traditional ethnic Jazz band «PAUL COMBO », Mr. GAS AND THE CLASSICS, jazz trio TRS of OLEG CHALY).

He is professor of electric bass at the Municipal Conservatory of Stavroupolis, and a member of the Orchestra of ERT3 as leading the Rhythm Section. He has played with many orchestras in Greece and the U.S. Since 2003 he plays in Nikos Anadolis trio.


Last modified on Tuesday, 07 June 2011 07:21