Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Spanos George

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Composer / Guitarist

His relationship with music started in his childhood when he commenced classical guitar studies in the National Conservatory with Liza Zoe. He was not a very committed student and changed several educators and music styles (among others, he studied next to Dimitris Fambas, Thanasis Bikos, Giorgos Kyriakakis e.t.c.). In his early adolescence, turned his interest in to rock and blues music getting fascinated with Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughaun, David Gilmour, and started writing music and playing in rock bands. During his studies in psychology, in the University of Crete, he “discovered” composers like Philip Glass, Michael Nayman, Steve Reich, Manos Hadjidakis, Mikis Theodorakis and he started playing in professional bands and writing music for the theater (he has written original scores for 15 theater performances). In 2004, his first LP was released titled “Zese” («Ζήσε») where seven well named Greek actors sing his songs (Emilios Chilakis, Eleni Zioga, Evelina Papoulia, Bessie Malfa, Vana Pefani, Makis Gennatas & Nadia Deligiani). In 2011 he released on the web his second personal LP titled “Timebreath” («Του χρόνου η ανάσα») with singer Betty Charlafti. During the same year, he formed “George Spanos Trio” with Nikos Kapilidis (drums) and initially John Plagianakos (bass) and finally George Politis (bass). Since then, they have played in all major live music clubs and jazz festivals in Greece. In 2015 their LP “Blue Passion” was released featuring major Greek jazz masters: Mimis Plessas, George Kontrafouris, Takis Paterelis, Dimitris Tsakas, Asterios Papastamatakis, Zoe Tiganouria and Giannis Pachidis. “Blue Passion” rapidly gained high appreciation in terms of critic reviews and listeners views, winning among others, the “ Readers Poll for the best Greek jazz album of the year 2015”.

Last modified on Monday, 18 January 2016 12:22