I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Kassetas Yannis

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Yiannis Kassetas is considered to be one of Greece’s most promising saxophone players and composers.He is the only jazz musician in Greece that has three personal albums at the age of 32.His personal and provocative style of composing has helped him to collaborate with jazz giants from Greece and all over the world,such as George Kontrafouris ,Dimitris Vassilakis,Clarence Penn,Miles Griffith,and others.Actually his second cd’s liner notes where written by Award Winning composer Jason Yarde,who also along with Clarence Penn,performed in the cd.Critics have been more than kind with Kassetas’s works calling him:”the new star of the Greek Saxophone”,or “Best cd of the Year 2009” [HXOS magazine].Yiannis also won the competition for the European Jazz Festival 2009 where he was chosen to perform with his group The Funk Wizards.Also his composition “dive Jazz” was chosen by famous New York singer Miles Griffith to be performed at the historical “Smoke” Jazz Club in NY every sunday!..

Yiannis started learning saxophone and piano while attending at Pallini Music Highschool.At the early age of 15 he won a scollarship for the prestigious Berkllee College of Music in Boston,where he attended the summer course at the age of 16.A few years later he won another scollarship and attended Berkllee full time.He graduated with Honours with a diploma in alto saxophone cum laude.Till then he has been a proffesional saxophonist and composer in great demand specially for jazz,funk,latin and Blues bands.He has performed in many jazz festivals and jazz clubs all over the world such as Festival Petras,Tinos Jazz Festival,Spice of Life [Soho,London] and others.


Last modified on Friday, 28 April 2017 15:23