Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Musicians / Theodorou Kostas
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Theodorou Kostas

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Musician, Composer

Kostas Theodorou a.k.a. Dine Doneff has been an active member of the Greek music scene since the early 80’s when he moved to Thessaloniki from his home village in western Macedonia. He left school at the age of sixteen and dedicated all his time to exploration of life through music.
A self-taught musician.

Selective discography:
Nostos, 1999 Lyra 667
Echotopia, 2003 FM 1578
Sumiglia, 2005 ECM 1903
Songs of an other, 2008 ECM 2057
Rousilvo, 2010 zen einai 001

Main running projects:
Kostas Theodorou Trio, 4tet, 5tet / Primavera en Salonico / Natalia Mann Trio / Solo Duo Trio / Canto dei sass’ / Minoria Grande / Lost_Anthropology / no bizz productions

Last modified on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 20:40