It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Cubana Bop

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Cubana Bop – Band
Cubana Bop: Takis Paterelis (sax), Manos Theodosakis (trumpet), Antonis Andreou (trombone), Dimitris Sevdalis (piano), Dimitris Christopoulos (bass), Κiki Bu (percussion), Seraphim Bellos (drums)
This legendary ensemble who start playing in 1995, was brought back together at Tinos Jazz Festival, with a quality repertoire of famous Afrocuban compositions, as well as compositions by members of the ensemble. This band has some of the greatest representatives of afro-cuban music in Greece. Artistic director of the ensemble is the great Greek saxophonist Takis Paterelis.