Vasso Dimitriou was born in Thessalonique, where she studied classical guitar harmony and jazz. She continued her studies in Los Angeles where she earned a scholarship. She has worked with the American composer / Argentinean Emilio Kauderer, singer, songwriter Donovan Leitch, Nana Simopoulos, Gus Pappel Big Band, Ted Greene, Theo Kapilidis David Oakes, John Stowell, John Abercrombie, Pat Metheny, Carl Schroeder. Back in Greece in 2000, she worked as a teacher at George Fakanas music school and Polyrythmia, music school of George Metallinos. Since then, she continues her career as a musician but also an arranger (Orchestra of the municipality of Patras). She was a partner/member of few Greek jazz bands: David Lynch, Duet, Jazz Utopia, Urban Clay and founding member of the Third Attempt and Trip2Thyme.
The music performed by the trio Third Attempt is based on improvisation, and is mostly compositions or adaptations of one of its members.