It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Nina – 2016

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After years of rumors, speculation and backlash, the Nina Simone biopic starring Zoe Saldana will finally be available for viewing this spring.
EW has revealed that Nina will be released in theaters and VOD on April 22 in the USA, almost two years after it first screened at Cannes. And today audiences can take a peek for themselves at the film’s first trailer.
The film is directed by Cynthia Mort and stars Saldana (Avatar, Guardians of the Galaxy) as Simone and David Oyelowo (Selma, The Butler) as her manager Clifton Henderson. Since its production, Nina has been plagued by criticism from Nina Simone’s daughter and others over the casting of Saldana, who is Dominican, Puerto Rican, Haitian and Lebanese, unlike Simone, who was famously proud of her African roots. Saldana was observed on set wearing makeup to darken her face and prosthetics to alter her nose. In 2014, Mort herself sued the film’s U.K. producer for breaching the terms of her director deal.
Last modified on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 16:23