Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Quality cartoons of jazz musicians have always been in short supply.In Holland, Berend ‘Boy’ ten Hove developed a completely unique style that somehow echoes the tradition of art deco.

Patterson was born and raised in Louisiana. Ever since he was young he have had an eye for art.

PROP4G4ND4 studied graphic design & visual communications somewhere around Manchester, during the turn of the millennium.

African American artist and native Pennsylvania Keith Mallet studied painting at the Art Students League, Hunter College in New York City.

Conrad has been actively pursuing an artistic career since the age of 20.

Easton Davy’s works belong in every serious collection of Contemporary American Art. In 2004 Easton Davy painted during the Greg Osby concert at the North Sea Jazz Festival. He also made the cover art for Osby ´s CD ´Public” on Blue Note Records.

Leith O’Malley is a South Australian artist who paints jazz musicians and jazz themes.

Groundbreaking artist Justin BUA is internationally known for his best-selling collection of fine art posters–The DJ being one of the most popular prints of all time.

Within a few brief years, Maurice Evans has established himself as on of the best in the field of Black Art.