It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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Merryl Jaye

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Musicians are a recurring theme in Merryl Jaye artwork, and her portraits of jazz artist capture the spirit of these iconic performers

  Merryl’s deep background in music is also a major influence in her artwork. This allows her the sensitivity and understanding to capture on canvas the emotion and spontaneity of jazz in live performance. Merryl began painting portraits of the jazz greats in 2005. Selected for their preeminence in their field, her subjects have been vividly rendered, using a fresh, contemporary, expressionistic style. This successfully harmonizes the twin mediums of art and music. She recreates an uncanny likeness of her subjects and even more importantly, captures their true essence.

Last modified on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 08:38