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Sánta Istvan Csaba – Jazz Photographer

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Besides portraying the society, being a jazz-fan, making concert-photos became his another main field of activity. He managed to take photos of many world-known famous jazz musicians on domestic and foreign concerts

Sánta Istvan Csaba born in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Transylvania) in 1978, graduated the photographer section of the Prater-street school of Budapest in 2002.
In 2002 met Henri Cartier-Bresson and later Koudelka, and these persons had a telling effect over his commitment in photography.
In 2004 was admitted by the Society of Hungarian Press Photographers. The society was closed in 2008 and became a member of the Association of Hungarian Journalists as a freelance press photographer.
With the photography, another chapter of his life started: the travelling. Sánta István Csaba visited most of Europe by hitchhiking, and managed to visit Africa crossing Gibraltar also by hitchhike. During his far-east travel visited Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, as well. He also visited the south part of China. His aim is to get acquainted with as much culture as he can, and to immortalize these cultures with the help of the photography. He focuses his camera mostly on those groups of the society, who are in big necessity. His photos are about people for people, about those living in necessity for those, who live in welfare. He pays special attention for the gypsies’ world, their form of living, their habits.
Since 2008 is a member of the Hungarian Jazz Federation as a jazz photographer. His works were published in several publications, and appeared on many grouped- and individual exhibitions.

Hungarian photographer, Sánta Istvan Csaba, stunning B&W portraits : See pictures Gallery

Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2016 17:14