“20 years Jazz on the Hill “! Sani Festival is a remarkable celebration of world and classical music, bringing together a truly varied mix of performers and an inspiring programme of events.
The Sani Festival will this year be celebrating its 20th anniversary. Faithful audiences can look forward to a feast of musical events, specially organized to mark the occasion. The festival this year will be hosting exclusive performances by figures from the international music scene, like Ahmad Jamal and the prince of African blues and authentic representative of world music, Ismael Lo. There will also be rising stars, younger musicians who have already achieved international recognition, like the Armenian pianist Tigran Hamasyan and the leading European bassist Lars Danielsson. The latter will be showcasing his latest project, Liberetto, to be performed for the first time in Greece, accompanied by leading figures in European jazz such as Yaron Herman and Magnus Ostrom.
With twenty creative years behind it, the Sani Festival is now entering a new age, full of renewed energy and initiatives which promise a future even richer in wonderful music !
Jazz on the Hill: July, 11, 12, 13 – Once again jazz music will be spearheading the festival – it was a love of jazz, after all, which launched the event 22 years ago – with a whole range of big names from the international music scene.
This year’s JazzΟnTheHill will be dedicated to famous male vocalists.
Sani Festival 2016 from July 8 to August 13. Just before Sani Festival 2016 begins, the artistic director of the festival, Olga Tabouris-Babalis, describes the event and presents this year’s programme. Jazz on the Hill this year will be dedicated to virtuoso pianists: Michael Wollny, Yaron Herman and Hiromi.
Sani Festival 2017 from July 8 to August 19, 2017. Celebrating 25 years !
7 July – 18 August – The one and only Sani Festival will take place just as it always has: with musical surprises that one could only hope to enjoy on major international music stages. Don’t miss them!