"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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Great Quotes

“If you play a tune and a person don’t tap their feet, don’t play the tune.” Count Basie

“Too many young musicians today want to win polls before they learn their instruments.” Benny Goodman

“You don’t get older, you get better.”

“I play as I feel.” – Oscar Peterson

“What I’m doing, I prefer to call that jazz, because it is a beautiful word – I love it.” Dexter Gordon

“Music washes away the dust of every day life.”

“I’m beginning to understand myself. But it would have been great to be able to understand myself when I was 20 rather than when I was 82. ”

“There are notes between notes, you know.” Sarah Vaughan

“Jazz is the only music in which the same note can be played night after night, but differently each time.”