This book is probably the greatest ever written on the early history of black music in America. With rare clarity and glowing intensity.
This book explains what jazz is, where it came from, how it works, and who created it, all within the broader context of American life and culture.
“Comprehensive and intelligently organized. . . . Jazz aficionados . . . should be grateful to have so much good writing on the subject in one place.”–The New York Times Book Review
A year-by-year history of people and events, The Chronicle of Jazz tells the whole story of jazz music and its personalities.
The entire story of jazz—from its earliest days in New Orleans to the 1970s and beyond—told through archival material from Verve, the genre’s most important label
Nina’s daughter Simone explores the life and career of her mother.
“As penetrating a character study of Bird as any yet written.” –New York Times