It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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Jazz on T A P – 2012

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Jazz On T.A.P. first album
Jazz on T.A.P : Nikos Terzakis (guitars), Christos Asonitis (drums) and Yannis Papadopoulos (bass)

Track list

1. The Grouse

2. Another Day

3. Lendas

4. Lazy Morning

5. Alone Again

6. Go With The Flow

7. Pat On the Back

8. Wish Me Luck

9. Too Little, Too Late

Tracks 1-5 composed by Nikos Terzakis

Tracks 6-9 composed by Yannis Papadopoulos

Tracks 1-9 arranged by Jazz on T.A.P

Recorded, mixed & mastered by Dimitris Karpouzas at Lizard Sound Studios between April 2011 and November 2011

CD artwork by Dimitra Vassilakou

Photos by Toula Danampasi

Produced by Jazz on T.A.P

© 2012 Jazz on T.A.P


Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 20:53