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24 Apr

Sounds & Images – 2017

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Guitarist/composer Giorgos Tabakis presents the EP “Sounds & Images”, released by AUX. After the cds Inter Mundos (2015) and ViewPoint (2016), Giorgos’s interest lies in the coexistence of several guitar soloists with different and personal approach, participating in compositions for guitar duos.
Giorgos collaborates with Yiorgos Limakis, Thodoris Kotsifas and George Stavroulakis – 3 of the most innovative guitarists of his generation – and records one piece with each one of them. The outcome is characterized as a high quality guitar album, in which the 4 guitarists are performing with their most expressive way of playing.
The recorded tunes ( “Aethereal”, “Liquid”, “Solid” ) were inspired by the three states of matter which form our world and everything in nature as well as by the legendary recordings of Ralph Towner and John Abercrombie duo, while keeping their own musical identity and expressiveness.
From an aesthetic perspective, “Sounds & Images” is a combination of European jazz and creative music, with imaginative themes and solos and while some themes are arranged for 3 and 4 guitars (creating a bigger picture of a guitar ensemble), the main body is a guitar duo project defined by jazz music.
released April 22, 2017

Giorgos Tabakis:7 string guitar/composition
Yiorgos Limakis:classical guitar
Thodoris Kotsifas:el.guitar
George Stavroulakis:el.guitar

Recorded and mixed by Giotis Paraskevaidis at AUX Studio
Mastered by Nasos Nomikos at Vu Productions Studio
Artwork:Stelios Nanos
Cover photo by Anna Kypreou

Last modified on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 16:52