It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Absence – 2016

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“Absence” is the first personal cd of the bassist John Papatriantafilou released by the record label Spider Music.It contains ten original compositions(6 by J.Papatriantafilou,2 by G.Kontrafouris,1 by T.Paterelis,1 by D.Tsakas) of mainstream jazz music exceptionally played by top musicians of the jazz scene such as Giorgos Kontrafouris,Takis Paterelis,Dimitris Tsakas,Antonis Andreou,Makis Kosmas Stefanidis,Dimitris Angelakis and Nikos Vargiamidis

The CD is a personal journey of emotional conflicts arising from unexpected changes and shifts through the exploration of the inner self of the artist.The album is dedicated to the memory of Spryros Papatriantafilou

Last modified on Thursday, 23 February 2017 13:33