It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Discography / Skins – 2016
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13 Jul

Skins – 2016

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Skins, consists of eight original compositions of Nana, executed with exquisite interpretation by top-class musicians, including American saxophonist Dave Liebman and the virtuoso Indian saragki, Ustad (Master) Sultan Khan and Nana Simopoulos on guitar and vocal, Sam Malieri (D’Addario endorsed artist), Manos Loutas on bass, Solis Barkis on percussion and voice and Michalis Orfanides on drums.

Evocative and enchanting music that tunnels us into magical realms. World Jazz music with lyrics inspired by the poetry of Sufis, Shamans and Mystics.
Last modified on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 09:40