It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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02 Dec

No time –

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Magnanimus trio
Their musical world contains elements of modal jazz in conversation with other contemporary and traditional idioms in minimalist compositions, songs and improvised music…

The Magnanimus Trio is Christos Barbas (piano , ney , kaval , vocals ) , Dimitris Tasoudis (drums , percussion , piano ) and Pavlos Spyropoulos ( double bass ) .
The musical world of Magnanimus Trio consists of tropical jazz elements converse with other modern and traditional , through minimalist compositions , songs and improvised music.

The Magnanimus Trio have recorded three albums to date : Cue (2010), Still Time (2012) and No Time (2016) to be released soon, showing impressive evolutionary line on which the Magnanimus Trio move
Last modified on Tuesday, 03 January 2017 18:19