It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Inter mundos – 2015

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George Tabakis Trio
Inter mundos is the first outcome of the collaboration of guitarist/composer George Tabakis, bassist Stathis Paraskevopoulos and drummer/percussionist Panagiotis Kokkinis. The aesthetic aspect of the trio – as reflected in the seven compositions of this cd – can be incorporated in the broader European perspective on creative contemporary music, a view in which stylistic limits are too extensive to non-existent. The George Tabakis Trio is exploring the potential of this aesthetic range with the compositions varying from European jazz and world music to contemporary, acoustic fusion and avantguard. The musicians’ skills and the expressive means of the musical instruments used are in perfect harmony with the compositions and the improvisations, which aim to “sing the interior visions with the naive candour of a child.” This quote by Claude Debussy played a key role in the creation of this project and inspired George Tabakis to capture in his music his personal sensations constantly alternating, triggered either by internal or sometimes external stimuli, unlike and often conflicting. This particular process has given the musical outcome a personal style regarding sound, composition and diversity of structures, solos and overall artistic aesthetic. The 6 and 7string guitars are in the center of each composition as harmonic/rhythmic basis for the development of the units, the double bass in a more extended than the usual role “stars” in large parts of the pieces while the acoustic diversity of the drums and percussion surround the whole project in a creative and imaginative way.
Last modified on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:02