It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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14 Oct

How to charm women – 2015

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los tre

los tre is a funk-jazz oriented trio formed in 2011 in athens, greece. Since then they performed in small bars, larger bars and every venue they are invited around athens, and other greek cities. They play original compositons.

los tre are: angelos angelides – guitar – vassilis papastamopoulos – bass – leandros fratnik – drums

all music composed by angelos angelides and arranged by los tre.
recorded @ artracks studios by alex bolpasis
mixed by charis karantzas
mastering by harris-chris stamatopoulos
cover by eirini bogri
cover photo py spilios palov
produced by los tre and charis karantzas
released October 14, 2015

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Last modified on Wednesday, 04 November 2015 10:58