"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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15 Apr

Horizon – 2014

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The Wonder Fall Quartet

10 original compositions of Thanos Hatzianagnostou – lyrics Irini Konstantinidi
It preserves the atmospheric sound of European jazz scene and demonstrates our major influence by our beloved Esbjorn Svensson Trio (e.s.t.). It begins with Dawn | Αυγή which introduces the listener to a soft and optimistic mood about every new beginning .

The essence of the lyrics of this new “concept” album sums up to the acceptance that the time of humanity as we know it, is running out quickly unless we realize that life is just a slender string and try to make it worth living. A single glance at the horizon is a reminder of our insignificance within the vast universe, setting things into proportion. Trying to be more specific, I’d say that it is filled with an esoteric dark mood which escalates and finally acts as a catharsis. The listener is getting deeper into the existential issues of humanity and proceeds towards the final song of the album, called Undulations, which is the most melancholic and sombre piece of the album yet it works as a redemption.

Irini Konstantinidi : vocals, lyrics – Yiannis Papadopoulos : piano – Dinos Manos : double bass – Thanos Hatzianagnostou : drums, compositions

More about it http://jazzonline.gr/en/articlesinterviews/interviews/item/2646-%E2%80%9Cthe-wonder-fall-quartet%E2%80%9D-about-horizon.html


Last modified on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 07:41