Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Discography / Gagabunga - 1995
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Gagabunga - 1995

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Yannis Arzimanoglou

Pianist, singer, composer, songwriter, jazz educator, Yannis Arzimanoglou introduces us in his "dispersed world" through his own melodies that mix various styles - jazz, latin, funky, Greek and mediterranean - all these parallel to his road to "Ithaca" or "Gagabunga". His song "Viaja como un Greko" mentions the cities he lived and worked so far - Athens, London, Boston, Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and Paris. His lyrics are blended with humor, his voice color has the Italian flavor of Paolo Conte. His music is original, different, happy going, theatrical, and diversed ... all of it rounded from his richness in cultures exposed and languages he is using in his songs which are the Greek, the English, the French and the Spanish. His compositional work has been lighted from awards he received from prestigious compositional competitions as is the " John Lennon songwriting competition " in New York and the " USA song writing competition". A multicultural musician who is loaded with his own musical planet .... planetas vacios y solitarios, como el mundo de hoy... empty and lonely planets, as is our world today!
"Gagabunga" is the name of his group. Created in 1994 in Paris... a name that evokes the road to "Ithaca". A road that is long, slow, beautiful and full of experiences, surprises, disappointments, difficult and happy moments... "Gagabunga" stops and experiences different ports and cultures.

Five musicians from around support the trip of "Gagabunga" all these years. Three Brazilians, one French and a Greek with the addition form time to time of two Americans, one Argentinian with his Bandoneon, two Catalans from Barcelona, a Colombian who added the color of Tiple and, another Greek who added the Bouzouki color. In addition an artist from Madrid ( Rocio Asensi Vallejo ) experimented with the group in adding her artistic visual concepts named "Paraiso artificial " (Artificial paradise). Now days "gagabunga" is in "Pireus" and new sounds, colors and cultures dresses up his road to "Ithaca".

Gagabunga and Tutti Jam Frutti the titles of Arzimanoglou two cd’s with 21 songs with lyrics in Greek,English,French and Spanish interpreted form him in a latin style fusioned with Jazz elements .They emerge from an original meditterranean temperament and focusing to a cosmos of passion and dreams .
A blend of colors and sounds that travel from the Bouzouki to the trumpet , Tiple,Quatro

Bandoneon, Tenor Sax,Latin Percussions ,Piano, Bass,Guitars,Drums and voice.
His songs “Gagabunga” and “Right now “ are interpreted from Cristina Vilallonga(singer of Gotan project ) and the Ballad “La Noche “ from Elena Vilallonga)

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 09:40

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