It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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20 Oct

Kathrin Pechlof

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Musical space for fantasy. Harpist Kathrin Pechlof leads the listener to a very unique musical world. “. . . chamber music worlds of quiet beauty and simple elegance . . . ” September 2013 – JAZZ THING

In Pechlof’s music the harp comes into its own in its own unique way. Harp tones resound: harsh, dry, beautiful, like delicately reverberating columns, as bright saxophone intonations, and a highly flexible bass nestle around. The three musicians play this excitingly unusual repertoire with open ears and an instinctive sense for one another. A music emerges that is filled with subtlety, discipline, and artistic lyricism – a cornucopia of fantasy for the listener created out of a music stripped to the essentials.

Kathrin Pechlof, one of a rare breed of harpists in the German jazz world, plays with the renowned Berlin saxophonist Christian Weidner and double bass player Robert Landfermann from Cologne, winner of the WDR Jazz Prize. IMAGINARIUM is the debut CD of this unusual trio. They succeed in making music using remarkably few notes. IMAGINARIUM offers a wonderful and varied range of images, feelings, and associations. It is a place of insights where wisdom is revealed and new questions are constantly asked.It is a place of unlimited possibilities, of permanent motion and change – a dreamlike reminder of the very essence of music. The compositions draw on a broad spectrum of sources. The archaic modes of Gregorian chant evolve into dodecaphony; Messiaen’s symmetrical scales, with all their ambiguity, create floating soundscapes; the harmonies of major/minor tonality contrast markedly with the gestures of contemporary improvisation.
Although indisputably modern, this music is remarkable for its lyrical beauty, narrative depth and wealth of subtle dynamic nuances. Three outstanding instrumentalists come together here to play their very own brand of intriguing and soulful chamber jazz.

“Music full of grace, tenderness, structural perfection and fragility . . . abstraction, atmosphere, texture and association combine in a fashion that is nothing short of stupendous . . . one of the most unconventional, intriguing and beautiful albums of the year.” JAZZPODIUM, December 2013

Kathrin Pechlof Trio on October 20, 2014 at Goethe Institut at 20:30 – Omirou omirou 14-16 – 210 3661000 — free entrance

Last modified on Friday, 12 September 2014 12:39