Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Jazz Education

Music Open Day on May 10, 2015 at Philippos Nakas Conservatory – ATHENS 41 Hippocratous str., tel.210 3634000 – THESSALONIKI 47, N. Plastira str., Harilaou, tel. 2310 320560

11 musicians from around the globe, come together in Athens for a totally experimental and free improvised workshop. Free = Liberated from any linguistic and structuralistic constraints – Experiential = based on the different exoeriences of each performer – Improvisation = To create at the spur of the moment

JAZZ: The CLASSICAL MUSIC OF THE MODERN WORLD (and what we learn from this for music creation) – Two workshops by Assoc. Professor, Ionian University Dimos Dimitriadis on Wednesday, the 4th and Wednesday, March 11 at 17:00 In music library Lilian Voudouri at Athens Concert Hall – Participation fee 20 €

07 February 2015

Diane Schuur seminar

Diane Schuur seminar on February 7, 2015 at Half Note at 16:00 – Trivonianou 17, Metz, Athens – 210 9213360

Lee Konitz Jazz Master Seminar on November 23, 2014 at Half Note Trivonianou 17 Metz Athens – 210 9213310 –

Dan Tepfer Piano Seminar on November 22, 2014 at 17:30 at Half Note – 2109213310 – Trivonianou 17 – Metz –