“The wise musicians are those who play what they can master” Duke Ellington
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02 Dec

Eleni Valenti vocal workshop & concert

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Voice workshop & and concert with Eleni Valenti ( Pantelis Benetatos on the piano) on December 2, 2015 at 19:00 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL – 41 HIPPOCRATOUS STR., ATHENS – 210 3634000 – entrance free

Along with Eleni Valenti, vocal faculty at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and an important representative of the Greek jazz scene, we will discover the diaphragm and its physical functioning, we will learn about the geography of the body, we will discover the channels of voice and talk about the right attitude, the expansion of voice, the correct articulation, the vibrato and learn how to warm-up with exercises, scales and arpeggios. The goal is awareness and enlargement of the natural breathing, and coordination of our voice with the voices of others in a group.
Let’s unite our voices in a creative ‘cycle’ and discover the joy of improvisation!

More about Eleni Valenti http://www.jazzonline.gr/en/musicians/item/2453-valenti-eleni.html

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 09:06