Since 1990, YMFE has awarded scholarships worth more than 1 Million EUR to over 900 outstanding young musicians all over Europe.
The YMFE-Scholarship Competition is open to full-time music students of any nationality not older than 25 years at the time of the application.
Each Scholarship has a value of 1.000,00 EUR to 2.000,00 EUR, depending on the country where the applicant is studying.
The Scholarship covers one year and the money may be used for any purpose related to the advancement of studies.
Applicants will be selected according to their current musical ability and their demonstrated future potential.
The basis for this evaluation is an initial round from a recorded performance, followed by a live performance at the final selection. Selection Committees comprising senior figures from the world of music will select the most suitable applicants.
Since 1990 there have been Scholarship-Programs in various disciplines including Brass and/or Woodwind, Piano, Strings, Percussion and Vocal.
Applicants in Greece should address to the organisation commitee: Philippos Nakas Conservatory – 41 Hippocratous str, 106 80 Athens – tel.: 210 3634000.
For more information please visit: