"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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07 Sep

Philippos Nakas Conservatory 2017/18

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“Our mission is to provide high quality music education for children and adults. Having as a permanent aim the excellence in the education offered, we train amateur and professional musicians, while focusing on the pleasure that derives from music performance and transmitting to all our students the love of music. The foundation of our educational programs is the development of musicality in all of our students. To those students who are intended for professional career we provide musical knowledge at such a level that will enable them to reach the highest level of professional achievement.

Nakas Conservatory (Headquarters) – Ippokratous 41, 10680 Athens – Tel: 210 3634000 –

Newcoming music students that register for the whole educational year at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory, get their musical instruments for free. This is an undeniably generous offer, which helps them to make their first steps in music without spending money to buy the instrument they chose.
This offer applies for the first levels of studies at:
a) Classical Music Department (violin, cello, trumpet, sax, flute, clarinet, guitar)
b) Modern Music Department (jazz piano, sax, el. guitar, el. bass, drums)
c) Traditional & Popular Music Department (clarinet, violin, bouzouki)
d) Rapid learning courses for piano, guitar

More instruments are offered at very special prices to all students of the Philippos Nakas Conservatory.
Furthermore the Philippos Nakas Conservatory is offering the use of an upright piano, which is dispatched to the students’ house, for one educational year. The student can use the piano, and decide whether to buy it or return it, after 10 months.
Any candidate music student can profit of this unique initiative of the Conservatory every year until approximately Mid-October.
The interested new students can get in touch with the central Secretariat at telephone number 210.3634000, so that they can be informed more extensively about this innovative offer.

Last modified on Thursday, 07 September 2017 07:31