Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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13 Mar

Experimental Improvisation

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11 musicians from around the globe, come together in Athens for a totally experimental and free improvised workshop. Free = Liberated from any linguistic and structuralistic constraints – Experiential = based on the different exoeriences of each performer – Improvisation = To create at the spur of the moment

Workshop’s schedule
– Friday, 13 March
11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00
Group A’ (Studio Ennia)
Group B’ (Lathos Kinisi / Wrong Movement Dance Co.)
– Saturday, 14 March
11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00
Group A’ (Lathos Kinisi / Wrong Movement Dance Co.)
Group B’ (Studio Ennia)
– Sunday, 15 March
Groups A’ & B’ 11:00-18:00 (45΄break time) (Lathos Kinisi / Wrong Movement Dance Co.)
Workshop’s presentation at 21:30

Meeting places:
– Studio Ennia
11, Agiou Markou str, Syntagma, 3rd floor
– Lathos Kinisi / Wrong Movement Dance Co.
25, Plateia Elefterias str. (Koumoundourou square), 6th floor

Overall cost of participation (all 3 days): 50€

The workshop is open to all instruments and to everybody regardless any musical experience.

All seminar lessons will take place as collective group tutoring from the entire staff.

Hayden Chisholm
James Wylie
Zakari Frantz
Julian Selody
Federico Pascucci
Moritz Köther
Andrew Fedorovitch
Dimitris Pantelias
Giannis Despotakis
Don Stavrinos
Stelios Michas

For further information & admissions: +30 6937 248 378 – +30 6976 240 817
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

* Υου must send us your full name, age, musical instrument, telephone number & email address and optionally your cv.

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 09:19