Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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04 Nov

Boston And Corfu – A Tale Of Two Jazz Schools

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A recent guest teacher at the Ionian University Jazz Program, in Corfu, bassist, composer and educator Ronan Guilfoyle writes about his impressions and experiences in two strikingly different and contrasting jazz schools, environments and economies. From Berklee College of Music in Boston to Ionian University in Corfu.

Ronan Guilfoyle was a guest teacher at the unique Ionian University Jazz Program in Corfu together with master jazz drummer Eric Ineke from the Jazz Department at the Royal Academy in the Hague. Recent guests at the Ionian University also included drummer Jussi Lehtonen and vocalist Jenny Robson, saxophonist Jari Perkiomaki from the Sibelius Academy Jazz Department in Helsinki and drummer Mark Halbheer from Luzern University for the Arts Jazz Department.

The week-long residencies for these guest teachers in Corfu included jazz performances with associate professor of jazz Dimos Dimitriadis and distinguished jazz instructors George Kontrafouris (piano) and Stefanos Andreadis (guitar).

Last modified on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 17:57