I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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26 Jan

Gipsy swing guitar/Seminar and concert

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Gipsy swing guitar | Seminar and concert with Yiorgos Krommydas on January 26, 2016 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL – 41 HIPPOCRATOUS STR. ATHENS – 210 3634000 – at 19:00 – FREE ENTRANCE

Django Reinhardt is perhaps the most important European guitarist in the history of jazz and more specifically of gipsy swing guitar.

Guitarist and professor of Philippos Nakas Conservatory George Krommidas presents and analyzes some of the secrets of the legend of gipsy jazz, presenting vivid examples in the form of concert / seminar.

George Krommidas is a member of the ‘Hot Club De Grece’, one of the first gipsy jazz bands in Greece, and also of ‘The Dominant gipsy jazz trio’.

Co-performers: Yorgos Patsiotis guitar – Kostas Patsiotis double bass – Special guest Nasia Gofa voice

Last modified on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:49