The music education is a goal for all parents wishing to give their children a competitive advantage in quick thinking, sensitivity and aesthetics. The sheer volume of visitors who flocked the Conservatory was very indicative.
More than 2,500 people ‘invaded’ from 11am to 6 pm all areas and classrooms. Prospective students, and visitors of all ages took part in the pilot courses, in the presentation of musical instruments, and attended seminars of special interest. They all moved to pop, jazz, rock rhythms, listened to opera, musical, folk music, and applauded our orchestras at the concet hall.
In this year’s Open Day the conservatory was honored with the presence of the famous Greek group Onirama, who performed their own songs in partnership with students of the Conservatory Athanasios Lazarou (cello) and Kostas Konidas (saxophone), creating huge jam at the entrance of the conservatory. The same stage hosted Takis Barberis’ group, and student groups of the Modern Music Department of the Conservatory.