I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Treno sto Rouf

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If you want to experience Jazz music with all your senses there is no venue like the Railway Carriage Theater to Treno sto Rouf!

Dating back to the time when Jazz music was blooming, the refurbished wagons, with their wooden decoration and low lights, create a mysterious, retro atmosphere, as taken from old time movies, where so many things could happen on a train! Can you think of a more matching ambient for a Jazz live event?!!
The unique Railway Carriage Theater to Treno sto Rouf is an innovative, boutique, railway cultural venue, inside vintage train wagons. Heralded by 19th century science fiction novelist, Jules Vernes, it was realized in 1997 by the actress and director Tatiana Ligari to host the only train-theater in the world.

The venue program mainly consists of artistic productions (theater, music, dance, visual arts, guided tours, educational programs, festivals, art projects, exhibitions, screenings, lectures etc.) equally paired with dining (be it romantic private parties, themed evenings or corporate events), while our bar and restaurant are open to all visiting guests.

Konstantinoupoleos Ave, inside Rouf Suburban & Railway Station, Rouf – +30 210 5298922 – www.totrenostorouf.gr
Live Jazz Program

Last modified on Thursday, 08 June 2017 10:24
More in this category: « Kelari Athenaeum

