The Next Step Quintet was created in the fall of 2011 by five young and talented musicians with an average age of 25 years. In Spring 2013 they signed their first album and got great reviews. Jazzonline has met them for an exclusive interview.
George Trantalidis is the living history of the Greek jazz : one of the major figures of the Greek jazz scene. He started his career playing with the rock group Socrates. In 1978, he records the first Greek Jazz music record with the “Sphinx”. He was the first to merge Greek traditional music with Jazz in his records. Jazzonline has met him to discuss about his impressions of music, and jazz.
Jazzonline presents this exclusive interview of Arild Andersen, one of Europe’s leading bass player for more than 30 years. He has recorded over a dozen albums for ECM Records as band leader and appeared on many others as side man.