Olivier Temime, is the new star of French jazz. The ten-year collaboration with saxophonist J. Griffin and other great jazzmen, such as Wynton Marsalis and Michel Grailler were decisive for his carreer. He came for the first time in Athens last winter for one night concert at the French institute with JP Gallis, Michel Zenino and George Kontrafouris.He came back in April for a tour in Crete and Lesvos with G. Kontrafouris, Yotis Samaras and Vassilis Podaras. Jazzonline met him for a quick interview.
“This is a truly original jazz” Johnny Griffin. Rising star of jazz, Olivier Temime, has played with the greatest like Johnny Griffin, Wynton Marsalis, Michele Hendricks, Steve Grossman, Daniel Humair, Leon Parker, Emmanuel Bex, Laurent De Wilde, the Belmondo brothers, Antonio Farao, Louis Winsberg, etc ...