It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Displaying items by tag: Ibrahim Maalouf
Monday, 03 February 2014 21:04

Ibrahim Maalouf Interview

At the crossroads of musical paths, Ibrahim Maalouf is in the heart of time, where transgressions are allowed. Musically spoken, Ibrahim Maalouf is not bound by jazz, nor he is by the heritage of Arabic influences. He looks around further and notices other forms of expressions and adapts that too, with his own power, with a touch of rock even. He came to Gazarte to present his last album "Illusions" and that was the opportunity for a little talk.

Published in Interviews
Sunday, 02 February 2014 00:00

Ibrahim Maalouf

A pioneering figure in the world of contemporary jazz thanks to his fusion of pop, soul, electro, hip-hop, and French chansons with the music of his Lebanese roots, Ibrahim Maalouf is widely regarded as one of the most gifted trumpeters of his generation.

Published in Musicians in town