In her last release “Quite Simply”, Angelika Niescier explores the basics of creative power and finds spaces which help her to explore her instrument. The chance to have two like-minded masters in New York who have similar sound visions as to form and content confronting her leads to a smart extension of the game zone putting Angelika into another ball park of improvisers. “Tyshawn I have known for 1o years time and I think it was a Steve Coleman concert where I met Thomas Morgan. It was immediately evident that we should work together. We did a couple of trio concerts and out of these moments the program of Quite Simply took shape that I streamlined for Thomas and Tyshawn.”
Jazzonline had a little chat with Angelika Niescier
1-What lead you to jazz and which jazz musicians had or have a great influence on you, and why?
in short: I played saxophone in the obligatory teen-indie-rock-and-stuff-band. the guitarplayer said after one rehearsal ” ok, now : Your solo, go for it , improvise!” I had no idea whatsoever what to do…but of course I did play something, got into that “improvising” thing and learned more and more- and so dicovered jazz in its overwhelming diversity. My greatest influence and all-time-inspiration in jazz is john coltrane. because of his need to search for “it” and his deep spirituality in his music.
2- How would you describe your style ?
I can´t describe it ! You all should come and listen the performance…
3- Could you tell us few words about your performance at Goethe Institute in Athens.
I´m going to perform with my working quartet “sublim”- we play together since 13 years. it´s a blessing to be in a group like this.Here we perform my compositions only. our goal is to take the audience with us on a incredible journey into the very heart and soul of the musical universe
4-Is it more difficult for a woman on the jazz scene ?
well, I try not to think in such terms like gender etc. in this context.All of us, all the music has aggresive and lyrical textures. It´s the personality of every human being to bring out sometimes a more “feminine” or “maskuline” side of it. If you play improvised music- or any kind of music- all that counts is the connection between the musicians- it´s not easier or more difficult because of gender.But I will be certainly happy, if more and more women enter the stage being a professional. fortunately there are many female students who hopefully will shape and determine the music sooner or later- along with their male fellow musicians.
5-What are your plan for the next months ?
The upcomming months are going to be very exciting ! there is a performance in New York with my US-trio at the winterjazzfest. also, there is a recording with another amazing quintet in new york among other with ralph alessi, performaces and recordings with a trio including two of the most exciting musicians from italy…
Angelika Niescier will be in Athens with her Quartet Sublim on December 13, 2013 at 20:30 at Goethe-Institut – Omirou 14-16 – Athens – entrance free – Angelika Niescier, sax – Florian Weber, piano – Sebastian Rather, bass – Christoph Hillman, percussion