Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Association of Jazz & Creative Music

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The “Association of Jazz & Creative Music” was created in 2003 in Thessaloniki in order to highlight jazz music in the city, to embrace the friends of jazz through events and gatherings which exist to strengthen this common love that binds them, and for the city to learn its own musicians through bands that were firstly created back then.

Over the years the association has expanded and jazz festivals whose duration began from 2 and 3 days have ended up lasting 12 days (with two music bands each night), with seminars by excellent musicians (domestics and from abroad) and by making known each year local music groups that constantly come out.

The institution of Jazz Festival has been established in Thessaloniki and by mid-September the “CELEBRATION OF JAZZ” begins.
For the first time in 2004, the “Jazz Association” decided to record live the festival, so in 2006 the first jazz CD was ready. The 1st collection “Jazz Society” includes recordings from events and from the jazz festival (2004-2005). A year later the 2nd Jazz Festival CD “Playing Music for Jazz Club” (2007) followed.
The audience and friends of jazz liked it, so the “Association of Jazz & Creative Music” decided to record one more time the “Celebration of Jazz” (that is the name of Jazz Association’s festival) and in 2009
there was the 3rd live jazz CD “Jazz Society 2008-2009”.

The “Association of Jazz & Creative Music”, is a non-profit organization and relies on voluntarism and on friend participation where a small annual contribution/subscription covers a part of the operating expenses of the Association.

Friends who participate in this economic contribution, automatically become members and are welcome to attend the annual meeting and express their opinion freely.

Solidarity and mutual support are a very significant part of the Association and the mutual contribution to jazz music and to the city is something that strengthens all sides.

In 2012, the Association had its 10th anniversary, by celebrating it with the collaboration of “Festival of Alternative Music and 10th Celebration of Jazz” in “Vafopouleio Cultural Center” of Municipality of Thessaloniki, and the year 2013, organized in space of “Vafopouleio Cultural Center” of Thessaloniki, the 11th “Festival of Jazz” with a six day polymorphic program.
The purpose of the Jazz Association is to bring out the music bands and the musicians of the city and one of its vision is to go even further than the city because music and dreams have no borders.

Everyone that interests and want to support Jazz Association can do it.
For any informations please you can communicate in: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
In charge now is Alexandra Kaletsari, President of “Association of Jazz & Creative Music”, mob.: 0030 697 20 18 490

Last modified on Friday, 25 July 2014 11:49